With every purchase made through “Local Lubbock” you’ll be in a drawing for a Free 12”x36” home decor sign, customized to your liking! Drawing will be at the end of every month! Follow me on Instagram @custom_creationslbk Facebook @customcreationslbk for an additional entry.

With every purchase made through “Local Lubbock” you’ll be in a drawing for a Free 12”x36” home decor sign, customized to your liking! Drawing will be at the end of every month! Follow me on Instagram @custom_creationslbk Facebook @customcreationslbk for an additional entry.

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With every purchase made through “Local Lubbock” you’ll be in a drawing for a Free 12”x36” home decor sign, customized to your liking! Drawing will be at the end of every month! Follow me on Instagram @custom_creationslbk Facebook @customcreationslbk for an additional entry.

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