How To Register Your Business With Local LBK

Step 1: Create An Account

First, you’ll need to navigate to the Local LBK Register Page

Then, enter a Username, Email and Password then click “Register” to continue.

That’s It! You have now registered your business and should be logged in. You can see you are logged in by viewing the grey profile icon at the top right. 

Questions? Contact Us – Local LBK

How To Create Your Business Listing

Step 1: Login To Your Business Account

First, you’ll need to be logged in to your business account. Login here.

Don’t have your business registered?  Click here to Register

Step 2: Select A Listing

After you’ve signed into your Local LBK business account, hover over “Our Members” at the top of the screen, then click “Become A Business Member”.

Or click here: Become a Business Member – Local LBK – Lubbock, Texas

Then, scroll down and select a preferred plan. 


Step 3: Fill Out Your Listing!

After choosing a Local LBK Plan, you are off to create your business listing! 

Here, you will upload:

    • Company name
    • Slogan
    • Bio
    • A recommendation 
    • What being local and independent means to you
    • A killer Keep It Local Reward
    • Select business categories for your business
    • Input business address
    • Images to your gallery
    • Business hours, contact info and social medias

Then Click “Submit” and wait for approval! 

Step 4: Add Payment Method (If Applicable)

If needed, you will upload a payment method, then wait for approval from Local LBK.

Questions? Contact Us – Local LBK

How To Edit Your Listing

Step 1: Login To Your Business Account

First, you will need to be logged in to your business account.  Login here.

Step 2: Go To Your Listings

Once logged in, click the Profile icon at the top right then scroll down to find “Listings”. 

Step 3: Edit Your Listing

Here, you will see your current business Listing. To edit it, simply click the

 ‘More”  → “Edit”

Questions? Contact Us – Local LBK

How To Add Business Deals

Step 1: Login To Your Business Account

First, you will need to be logged in to your business account.  Login here.

Step 2: Navigate To The Add Deal Tab

Once logged in, click the Profile icon at the top right then scroll down to find “Add Deal”. 

Step 3: Add Your Deal

From this page you will start adding your deal information.

Input the Deal Title and Deal Description


Make up a Coupon Code and set the Deal Category to “General Public Deal”.  Then, add a lovely image for your deal so everyone can see a featured image!

You’re almost done! Now you must link this deal to your business. Just type your business name in this area and make sure it’s checked. 


Lastly, set your business address and click “Submit”. You’re done! 

Now just wait for your deal to be approved and it’ll be live! 

Questions? Contact Us – Local LBK

How To Upgrade Your Business Account

Step 1: Login To Your Business Account

Make sure you are logged in to your business account.  Login here.

Don’t have your business registered?  Click here to Register.

Step 2: Go To Your Listings

Once logged in, click the Profile icon at the top right then scroll down to find “Listings”. 

Step 3: Upgrade Your Listing

From here, you will see your current business Listing. To Upgrade, click the “Change Plan”. 

Next, scroll down and select your preferred plan. Before continuing, be sure the box for “Cancel current subscription and then upgrade to new plan.” is checked. 

Click “Change Plan” , then upload your payment details to Upgrade your account. 

You’re Set!

Questions? Contact Us – Local LBK

How To Promote Your Business Listing To Increase Views

Step 1: Login To Your Business Account

Make sure you are logged in to your business account.  Login here.

Don’t have your business registered?  Click here to Register.

Step 2: Go To Your Listings

Once logged in, click the Profile icon at the top right then scroll down to find “Listings”. 

Step 3: Boost Your Listing

Step 3: 

From here, you will see your current business Listing. To promote your listing so it can be seen in more places, click the “Boost Post”. 

Next, simply select the Ad Position and click “Boost Now”.

All Done!  

Questions? Click Here: Contact Us – Local LBK