The Playroom Lubbock

The Playroom Lubbock

Therapy Solutions for Kids

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About Them

Everyone says it takes a village to raise a child. Kelly's vision for the Playroom started after having a conversation with their family pediatrician about a need in the community for additional mental health care for children. Especially care that is collaborative with other health care professionals.

In August of 2015 that vision became a reality when The Playroom opened its doors as a collaborative therapy practice that hosts a variety of therapeutic interventions for both children and young adults. 

Their Recommendation

The subject of mental health is often a topic that some consider taboo and unfortunately gets ignored.

We want our followers to know that there are kind and caring professionals at The Playroom Lubbock that are eager to help you and your loved ones achieve the highest level of function and well-being at home, in school, and in our community. 

What \"Local and Independent\" Means to Them

Kelly and the other therapists at the Playroom understand that a community flourishes when the members of that community gain a sense of belonging and mutual support. While this shows itself most often in social settings, the benefits of healthy community can change the shape of the world we live in by caring for ourselves and for each other.

